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One of my favorite meals on a special occasion are steaks basted in butter. This isn’t a weekly recycled meal, as it’s decadent and not exactly weight watcher approved, but my husband and … more
In gardening you can learn something new everyday and still not know it all. Last year my wife and I took a trip to Scotland and on that trip found out some interesting knowledge about Vicki’s … more
In the 1990s we started seeing bracelets with the letters WWJD appearing. These letters stood for “What Would Jesus Do?”, and many wore them as a reminder to think about their actions … more
The “Cutting Garden” Main Street in Youngsville has announced it is time to think Spring planting! They ask that you pre-order by March 1st. Stop in the shop or call them with your list … more
One of my earliest memories was the morning I mastered the art of tying my shoes. Learning how to tie your shoelaces is not just a practical necessity. It is a big step in developing hand-eye … more
To many historians, Noble Sissle, composer, lyricist, bandleader, singer and playwright, is the man most responsible for ushering in the Harlem Renaissance. For those whose main focus is … more
Birthday wishes to Lou Monteleone, Annelise Gerry, Jennifer Lilley, Robert Lyons, Jennifer Heins VanEtten, Janet Newberg, Edna Lapidus, and Steve Rovi. Happy anniversary to Carol and Joseph … more
Soups on – yes indeed! With frozen sleet, ice, snow, rain, mud everywhere and bone chilling winds blowing us all to bits, this is 100 percent soup weather, for sure. Rather than go out and shop … more
Lake Huntington, NY – Looking to sweeten up your Valentine’s Day? These Cocoa Sprinkle Delights with Hershey’s Hugs or Kisses are the perfect treat to share with your loved ones. … more
I’m about to relax in a warm bath surrounded by the sound of singing bowls on YouTube, but as soon as I submerge myself, the moment is interrupted by a commercial. Isn’t that always the … more
140 Years Ago - 1885 Long Eddy: Our village school, under the management of Miss Nettie Ward and Miss Emma Steele, assistant, is progressing nicely. The average attendance is said to be 78 … more
Sullivan 180 Senior Director of Prevention Programming Guest Columnist Are you looking for a heart-healthy snack for game day? This Layered Black Bean Dip is colorful, nutritious, and … more
The talk in the news this week was the possibility of new tariffs on Canada and Mexico over immigration issues. Luckily, things got worked out at least for the next 30 days.   But if things … more
In a new month and getting closer to Spring and warmer weather – how many more days? The Sullivan County Bureau of Fire wants to keep you safe during a whiteout. DO NOT stop in the road, come … more
In February of 2020, just before the COVID pandemic became national news, this columnist, your Sullivan County Historian, released a new book, “In Further Retrospect.” The book was a … more
This year I stayed up long enough to watch the ball drop for New Year’s in Times Square. Within an hour after the countdown, the news channels began another New Years Eve tradition. As the … more
Birthday wishes to John, Linda Charpentier, Danielle Stratton, Michael Schleifer, Kathleen Neuenhoff, Dan Berkowitz, Amylyn Goodstein, Henri Shawn, Kathy Bunce, Barbara Lerner, Judy Hellman, Greg … more
With the freezing temperatures, there isn’t a whole lot of events happening around town and folks are venturing out on an “as needed” basis. On the positive side I was happy that … more
February is here bringing with it celebrations of Black History Month, American Heart Month, Groundhog Day, Valentine’s Day and so many more. The one I found most interesting is National … more
It’s finally February, and we’ve got some pretty cool things happening this month! First up, there’s the Big Game—whether you’re watching for the game, the halftime … more
A swollen belly, headaches and gut problems is all I ever got from bread until I discovered ‘Bird Bread’ a dense, dark, sourdough sprinkled with pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Curious as to … more
120 Years Ago - 1905 Melchior Thoeny, a former resident of Jeffersonville, died after a short illness at the home of his daughter, Mrs. William Kohler of Galeton, Pa., on January 13, at the age … more
What will life be like a century from now?   I know. You’re still trying to get through January. Who’s got time to think about 2125? In 1925, one man made the time and thus … more
You might have heard someone say something was as slow as molasses before, but you probably have never heard someone say something is as healthy as molasses. Now, not all molasses is healthy, but all … more
I recently read a devotion that was food for thought. The writer wrote about the second plague that God brought upon the Egyptians as part of His plan to release His captive people – the plague … more
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